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03 Area code / dialling code

Victoria, Tasmania

Complaints for phone number 03 9028 4144

There are 10 reported complaints for phone number: 03 9028 4144. Add your complaint

Monday, September 01 2014 12:19 AM
Had a call from this number earlier today (same story about malicious software). I kept them online for a while and then they said that they 'needed to log into my machine to remove the software'.

I asked the lady if she would be alright to wait for 2 minutes whilst I confirmed the location of the call to be sure it was coming from a Tesltra office. She panicked and disconnected the call.

Definitely a scam. (anyone from a tech support department would know I can't do that)
Thursday, June 26 2014 12:44 AM
Received a call today, saying they were from Telstra, kept them on the line for 10 minutes and called Scamwatch. It seems the only advice that anyone gives is to hang up. Nothing seems to be able to stop these calls so we just have to live with it and ignore it.
Thursday, June 19 2014 03:08 AM
A lady by the name of Katherine called saying she was from Testra and said all of what the other callers said, when I asked for a call back number as I had to get my children from the bus she gave me the 0390284144. But during this she was a bit sketchy and I heard her ask someone in the background "is this right" "what do I do "?
Just another bunch a time wasting scamming scum. I have just had another number bared from calling me constantly.Wish they wouldn't waist our time !!
Tuesday, June 17 2014 10:43 PM
Similar to other comments. Strong accent asking if I was using my internet connection as they had detected malicious software. For the last several days the phone has rung about the same time but no-one on the line. Asked for number to call them back as it didn't sound legit, and was given 03 9028 4144.
Tuesday, June 17 2014 07:44 AM
Same as Lucy. Caller said they were from telstra and that my internet was going to be suspended for 6 months as my PC was downloading pirated information. Asked for a phone number to call them back on and they gave out 90284144. They didn't mention logging on to my machine but I said that they would have to talk to my husband so they didn't persist
Sunday, June 15 2014 11:58 PM
Claims they were calling from Testra and would cut my internet service for six months if I didn't comply. Asked for a phone number and this was the one given.
Alan Jacobs
Sunday, June 15 2014 11:53 PM
Caller claimed to be Steve Smith from Telstra giving number 039028-4144 as his contact. He has a strong accent and claims that there is a problem with the internet in the area and Telstra needs to close down our internet for 3 months and if he can access to our computer he will fix the problem.
Friday, June 13 2014 12:37 AM
I couldn't understand what they talked as they had strong accent. They were always using 'Telstra'.
Terri-Ann Riddle
Thursday, June 12 2014 11:36 PM
Caller claimed they were from Telstra and that they needed to take control of the computer to show me the malicious entries and software was on my computer.
I refused and told them I believed they were scammers
Sounds like a revamp of the Microsoft scam!!
Ray Harris
Tuesday, June 10 2014 12:53 AM
Fake company trying to get your details -do not share with this number or number similar

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