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03 Area code / dialling code

Victoria, Tasmania

Complaints for phone number 03 9028 5907

There are 4 reported complaints for phone number: 03 9028 5907. Add your complaint

Thursday, April 17 2014 02:06 AM
Like other posters - I've had several of these calls lately, and most definitely a hoax/scam. On this occasion I asked for a return number and name (Patrick Horton). When I return the call, clearly it's diverted/connecting elsewhere.
Saturday, April 05 2014 03:44 AM
Again saying from Telstra and wants me to turn my modem off and on. Don't believe the phone number they are giving is correct.
Wednesday, April 02 2014 11:46 PM
This is the second such call i have had in 2 weeks and it is more than a hoax, instead it is an attempt by these fraudulent parties to gain remote access to your computer and in turn steal personal information. Although both calls were different they both;
*Mentioned they were from Telstra
*Were an Indian man
*That the internet connection would be cancelled due to hackers trying to get into your computer or unsafe files on your computer spreading to others
*And asked you to press certain commands on your computer "so that you can see who is trying to access your computer".
Its all bullshit and don't do anything they tell you. Instead contact your provider and inform them of the call
Wednesday, March 12 2014 10:45 PM
An Indian male rings you up and claims that there a operating problems with your telstra internet. There is a long delay in conversation claims they are ringing from Melbourne Australia it is a know hoax call telstra apparently are aware of it

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