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Victoria, Tasmania

Complaints for phone number 03 9028 8583

There are 6 reported complaints for phone number: 03 9028 8583. Add your complaint

Jason Caisley
Friday, January 10 2014 01:24 AM
Offered me a loan for $10000 deposited $650 for loan insurance then rang me asking for $750 for taxes. Sent me a detailed email as to why the money was required fell into the trap lost $1400 that I intend to get back. Have contacted police and will reported them to asits the made fraud report and won't stop till the Indian bastards are caught!!!!! Loanx
Thursday, December 26 2013 06:37 PM
I have also been ripped off. I received a call from these indian guys advising that I had been approved a loan for $5000, but had to pay $450 for loan protection and then when they sent me a copy of the receipt form CBa as evidence of loan being deposited they called to advise that the lender had to pay $520 for tax's and in order for the money to be release I had to pay the lender $520 in advance of the loan being funded. I did this 2 weeks ago and I am still waiting, and they are not taking my calls!
Monday, December 23 2013 08:22 PM
Same thing has just happened to me, was promised $5000 but I had to pau $450 loan protection and then $520 for tax's. A week later and I'm still waiting. Has anyone received their money back?
Tuesday, December 17 2013 09:11 PM
Two Indian guys calling themselves Adam or Dwyer said they'll process $3000 through to my account once I pay $350 for income insurance incase I don't pay up.....paid $350 & still nothing not answering my calls etc.
Tuesday, November 26 2013 08:26 PM
this phone number is for what I thought was a loan company that I have been dealing with, they asked for a $150 establishment fee before they could give me the $1000 loan, I have not herd from them since I transferred my money 4 days ago and have tried a lot. I don't know where to go for help.
Wednesday, November 13 2013 08:25 PM
Claimed to be a loan company who ripped me off

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