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Complaints for phone number 07 3722 8990

There are 4 reported complaints for phone number: 07 3722 8990. Add your complaint

Saturday, June 14 2014 06:46 PM
It's security monitoring centres. It's a legit ament number calling to tell you that an alarm your a contact for has gone off
Wednesday, April 16 2014 01:55 AM
This number called at 1:40am, tried to call back cranky that someone would ring me early hours ..and got an answering service saying they tried to contact me over my alarm.
Wednesday, August 07 2013 09:04 PM
Got a call from this number yesterday night at 5:59pm. They said that they were from some security company and that our alarm had gone off (apparently). However they then changed their story and said they were from Chubb security decision and they were calling because one of our alarms was "low on battery". We also reviewed three more consecutive calls from them this morning starting at 7:28am. DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY INFORMATION!
Wednesday, April 10 2013 10:45 PM
please check this number as my mother received a call saying that her alarm had gone off and they asked her password

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